Monday 8 March 2010

Transport Project - Initial Ideas.

My latest assignment is on the theme of 'Transport'. Rather than just take photographs of usual forms of transport, I thought about how I could represent it in other ways.

One of my first ideas was to take photographs of shoes, as 'self-transport'. I thought about photographing different pairs of shoes on different backgrounds, to represent how I have a different pair of shoes for each aspect of my life - for example, work, college, days off, bedtime, etc. Part of the inspiration for this was a project by Elizabeth Gordon, called 'Born To Recover', where she photographs women's shoes and titles each photograph with the year that the woman stopped drinking. To me, this shows the shoes that took these women on their journey of sobriety. Elizabeth's work can be seen here:

Another idea I had was after seeing a bicycle painted white at the side of a road last year, doing some research I found out that this was a 'Ghost Bike' - a bicycle painted white and left at the spot where a cyclist has been struck and killed by a motor vehicle, as a tribute. In keeping with this theme, I also thought about documenting different floral roadside tributes. The 'Ghost Bike' idea appears to have been started by San Francisco artist Jo Slota. His work can be seen here:

From the ghost bike/floral tribute idea led me on to the idea of photographing road kill. This is something I hate seeing so thought it would be interesting to make a poignant project and maybe a comment on driving safely. More inspiration for this came from several television adverts for 'Speed Kills', as bad/inconsiderate driving is something that really irritates me. An example of the adverts can be seen here:

I then thought about photographing traffic control/road signs, to try and get the point across to the viewer to really think about their driving and be aware of the road, other cars and pedestrians.

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