Saturday, 20 March 2010

Transport Project - Final Unedited Images

These are the images I have decided on for my finals. I have chosen 6 because I've not yet been able to decide between the last two - the two doll images. I will see how I go with the editing process to see if that helps me decide!

I decided to use this roadkill shot as it wasn't too graphic but at the same time showed quite well that the rabbit had been run over, and I feel that the position of its legs show that it was running.

I really like the image as I feel it is really poignant. I also like the lighting as I feel it adds to the soilitude and mournfulness of the area and subject. The flowers were taken at a fairly lonely bit of road near the racehill, which in a way is quite peaceful and I think that this image conveys that well.
This is probably my favourite shot out of all the images I took for this project. I love the closeness of the doll and the small depth of field - which I feel really makes the doll stand out. However, I'm not sure if this represents transport terribly well - I know that its meant to represent a run over child, but I'm worried that other people may not make that connection.

This is the other doll image that I was having trouble deciding between. I think this may work better as it clearly shows transport, but then on the other hand I feel like it may look too set up.

I love the lighting in this shot. It was just turning dark and I used a flash and I feel that this has really bought out the dramatic colours of the sky.

I decided to use the 30 sign rather than the speed camera sign as I felt it was more bold. I plan to edit this shot to brighten it up, bring the sign closer and more central to the image and get rid of the lamppost just in view on the right hand side.

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